Inspiration, Kol Kol Family

Kol Kol Family: How baby carrier helped with colic

Unique challenges faced when you have two kids born apart by a decade

I was in my early twenties when I had my first child. I was young, I was fit, I could carry him for long enough without any issue. The next decade brought along a lot of changes in life and lifestyle. Suddenly, chores which were seemingly normal and easy started becoming a task as I was going through episodes of chronic body pain. The pain, at times was crippling but not willing to give up, I carried on somehow.

Ten years later, I had my second child. As with all newborns, this little human constantly craved to be held and comforted and preferred sleeping on me, over the bed which obviously was getting a bit strenuous for me. With chronic body pain, my arms, shoulders and neck were constantly challenged and I reached a point where holding the baby and nursing became too painful a task. The onset of colic only made things worse. Desperately looking for relief, I felt a little lost and inadequate as a mother.

Baby steps into the world of babywearing

That’s when, my photographic memory kicked in and I had remembered a blog post about baby carry bag and the concept of babywearing I had read about. I had brushed it aside as in our country we are constantly surrounded by umpteen relatives who’d willingly carry the infant around.

I was quite unsure whether a baby carrier would really suit me and if it would be put to good use. However, I went ahead and ordered one. The moment it arrived, I was so excited to try it on. I understood the magic of babywearing the first time I tried on the baby carrier. My tiny 20 days old boy was snug as a bug and was in la la land in no time.

My hands were mine at last, free to swing them around or stroke my baby’s milk smeared face ❤️ Thus, I was bitten by the babywearing bug!

As days passed by, I got very comfortable using the baby carrier and I travelled abroad with both my kids alone, when the tiny was only 47 days old, all thanks to babywearing. We sailed through colicky times, went about everywhere and at 3 months climbed down Palani hill cuddled in the baby carrier by foot.

Kol Kol has my heart

When choosing the best baby carrier, I did a bit of research and I had my mid set on Kol Kol as the founder herself was so involved and invested with the brand. This one decision, changed my life forever and made me a Kol Kol fangirl for life♥️

We’ve done it all, thanks to Kol Kol!

I visited places, went on trips, managed chores at home, nursed a sick baby, attended to my older child’s needs, shopped around, threw parties, went on walks, successfully completed two Pinkathons while babywearing and all of this was possible as we had Kol Kol in our lives!

From a mother who was barely able to hold her tiny newborn for five min to a mother who could climb up Tirupati hills with a 3 year old child on her back, babywearing transformed my life magically! It empowered me, made me a more confident mother and helped me bond with my child better.

My baby’s safe place

As far as my child was concerned, Kol Kol was his nest, a place where he felt safe and calm. It was his place of warmth, quite literally as even in the hottest weather my shy child preferred to be nestled in a Kol Kol over being on his feet ? we’ve used the Kol Kol in all seasons and love the way the fabric holds up to all weather conditions.

At 4.5 years, my child has only been worn a few times this year and our babywearing days have come to an end. But we have made several beautiful memories to look back on. I am always happy to be spreading the Kol Kol love around, cos sharing is caring indeed as I strongly believe every new mother deserves a Kol Kol! ♥️

Dr TGK Krishna Priya
Dr Krishna priya is a paediatric dentist and mother two boys, Vishal and Varun. She is a passionate advocate of breast feeding, baby wearing , cloth diapering and baby led weaning. KP believes in being a hands on ‘do everything from scratch’ kind of parent.